Technical Warehouse Manual

Core concepts about systems, handling equipment and logistics processes

This manual is a compilation of the experience and knowledge Mecalux has gleaned over the past 50 years, making key storage concepts accessible to sector professionals: the various systems for product slotting, including the automatic, semi-automatic and mechanical equipment recommended for load handling. It also outlines other decisive factors, like the unit load, the flow of goods, slotting and installation sizes, process management, etc.

Logistics professionals will find this a helpful resource for choosing a system that is a good, efficient fit for their business.

An error occurred while processing the template.
Java method "com.mecalux.util.service.impl.MlxUrlUtilServiceImpl.getUrlByJournalArticle(com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle, String, long)" threw an exception when invoked on com.mecalux.util.service.impl.MlxUrlUtilServiceImpl object "com.mecalux.util.service.impl.MlxUrlUtilServiceImpl@43669969"; see cause exception in the Java stack trace.

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign assetUrl = mlxUrlUtilService...  [in template "20101#20128#3282418" at line 6, column 17]
1<#if entries?has_content > 
2    <#list entries as curEntry > 
3        <div class="corporate--manual--links--container"> 
4            <div class="corporate--manual--links"> 
5                <#assign article = mlxAssetHelperService.getJournalArticleByEntry(curEntry) /> 
6                <#assign assetUrl =  mlxUrlUtilService.getUrlByJournalArticle(article,"${locale}", groupId)?string /> 
7                <#assign articleValues =  mlxJournalHelperService.getStructureFieldValues(article, "${locale}") /> 
8								<#assign nameArticle = (articleValues["name"]?string)!"" /> 
9                <#assign textArticle = (articleValues["text"]?string)!"" /> 
11                <#--HEADING--> 
12                <h3 class="corporate--manual--links--heading"> 
13                    <a href="${assetUrl}" class="corporate--manual--links--heading-link">${nameArticle}</a> 
14                </h3> 
15                <p class="corporate--manual--links--subheading">${textArticle}</p> 
17                <#--ARTICLES--> 
18                <#assign manualArticleStrId = 434681 /> 
19                <#assign manualAlmacenajeVocId = 396142 /> 
20                <#assign categoryId = mlxAssetHelperService.getAssetCategoryByJournalArticleIdAndVocabularyId(groupId, article.articleId, manualAlmacenajeVocId).categoryId> 
21                <#assign categoryArticles = mlxAssetHelperService.getJournalArticleListByStructureIdAndCategoryIdSortedByStructureFieldName(groupId, themeDisplay.getUserId(), manualArticleStrId, categoryId, "order", locale)> 
22                <#if categoryArticles?has_content> 
23                    <div class="corporate--manual--links-wrapper">                            
24                        <ul class="corporate--manual--links--links"> 
25                            <#list categoryArticles as article>   
26                                <#assign articleName = mlxJournalHelperService.getStructureFieldValue(article, "article_name", "${locale}")?string /> 
27                                <#assign articleUrl =  mlxUrlUtilService.getUrlByJournalArticle(article,"${locale}", groupId)?string /> 
28                                <li class="corporate--manual--links--item"> 
29                                <a href="${articleUrl}" class="corporate--manual--links--link">${articleName}</a> 
30                                </li> 
31                            </#list> 
32                        </ul> 
33                    </div> 
34                </#if> 
35            </div>   
36        </div> 
37    </#list> 